Weekly Roundup: The AI Arms Race Heats Up

The global race to bootstrap AI infrastructure has begun

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Weekly Roundup

Weekly Market Metrics

Total Crypto Market Cap: up 4.7% to $2.7T
Total AI Sector Market Cap: down 3.5% to $24B

Top Movers:

📈 Bridge Oracle (BRG): up 66.7% to $0.001722
📈 Spectre AI (SPECTRE): up 21.6% to $2.48
📈 Eve AI (EVEAI): up 20.9% to $0.9434

Highlights of the Week

🇨🇦 Canada Joins The AI Arms Race
In a significant pre-budget announcement, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled the Liberal government's plan to allocate $2.4 billion to bolster artificial intelligence (AI) development in the country. The lion's share of the funds, $2 billion, will be directed towards establishing the AI Compute Access Fund, aimed at providing access to cutting-edge computing capabilities and technical infrastructure.

➡️ Global consensus on AI regulation is unlikely due to current geopolitical tensions, intensifying the urgency for nations to join the AI race. As each country creates its own AI, the AI compute market will likely see significant inefficiencies due to fragmentation created by different countries working against each other. Blockchain AI projects are positioned to capitalize on the inefficiencies created by the AI arms race as they exist on borderless, decentralized infrastructure that is censorship-resistant. Investors in the AI and crypto space have a unique opportunity to benefit from the growing demand for decentralized computing resources and the inefficiencies resulting from the global AI arms race..

🚨 Bittensor (TAO) Faces Controversy
Recently, a tweet sparked a heated debate abour the AI sector’s largest project, Bittensor (TAO), alleging that the project was nothing more than useless "vaporware." In response, key opinion leaders have come forward to defend the project and explain its value.

➡️ While some may view the allegations as a cause for concern, it's essential to check the facts before freaking out. Bittensor's approach to democratizing AI and creating an open marketplace for machine learning models has created a breeding ground for innovation in the sector, with Subnet 6 (fine-tuning LLMs) and Subnet 8 (AI-driven trading algorithms) being prime examples. The project has managed to attract a significant amount of the top talent in the sector, with over 200 subnets in testnet. In response to the initial post on X, multiple key opinion leaders weighed in on the debate and corrected several mistakes from the OP. If you’re a TAO holder or are curious about the project, check out the replies to the original X post for further clarification on the technical details.
Related Tickers: TAO

🎨 Render Levels Up its Ecosystem
Render has announced a multilateral partnership with Stability AI, OTOY, and Endeavor. This partnership plans to use Render’s GPU decentralized GPU network and Stability AI’s models. Stability AI and OTOY will work together to optimize Stability AI’s models while also collaborating with Endeavor to develop transparent IP tracking tools for their models.

The integration of Stability AI models on Render Network will enable seamless access to large AI models, 3D content workflows, and web APIs for third-party applications. It will also leverage the Render Network's Proof-of-Render system to provide immutable receipts, tracking, and transparent royalty flows for AI model components and outputs.

➡️ The collaboration between Render, Stability AI, OTOY, and Endeavor is a clear testament to the rising preference for decentralized computing networks in operating AI models, a departure from traditional, centralized infrastructure. In case you missed it, the key takeaway from this week’s Big Brain Breakdown was that decentralized computing networks offer significant advantages for running AI models, including enhanced scalability, transparency, and audit-ability. These benefits are particularly crucial in AI-generated content creation, ensuring proper attribution and compensation for intellectual property owners.
Related Tickers: RNDR

* = we own

Over the Fence: Passive Income Opportunity

Outpost Pro members receive actionable alpha five days a week. Here’s a sneak peek at an opportunity we shared with our premium subscribers last week.

💸 This thread covers a range of passive income opportunities for anyone looking to make some passive income by renting space compute or participating in a decentralized physical infrastructure (DePIN) project.

In Other News

Outpost Pro members found out about these events on the day the news broke!

🟠 The first governance proposal for the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance held by Fetch.ai has passed with 99.8% voting “yes”. This is a crucial step toward making this three-way merger a reality.

🟠 Fetch.ai released an integration with Chainlink that will allow Fetch AI Agents to leverage Chainlink oracles to access historical price data for ETFs, Forex, Ethereum, Polygon, and Arbiturm.

🟠 Over 1,000 apps were deployed on Akash Network on April 4th, breaking the previous all-time high deployment by almost 100%.

🟠 Nosana advanced to Test Grid Phase 2, scaling its decentralized AI network and enhancing functionality, setting the stage for increased user engagement and real-world application integration.

🟠 In a recent X post, Virtual Protocol outlined its thesis on gaming AI agents, highlighting players’s yearn for connection and unpredictability with non-playable characters (NPCs), explaining the product market fit (PMF) for Virtual Protocol.

🟠 Autonolas posted a Dune Dashboard showcasing the rising popularity of Olas. For the first time ever, Olas services created over 10,000 transactions in a day.

🟠 COSS Weekly released an AI fundraising update for last week, totaling $112.7M raised across IoTeX, Viam Robotics, MyShell, and OpenPipe.

🟠 AITECH announced their bond product, which essentially allows AI projects to increase onchain liquidity after its token generation event (TGE). Investors can access AI tokens for a discount subject to a vesting period.

🟠 PalmAI announced the project’s Q2 roadmap, which includes several significant milestones, including integrating with WeChat and Shopify, developing hardware for real-world assets (RWAs), and more.

and much, much more!

Must Watch

🎙 Founder of Stability AI, Emad Mostaque, was interviewed on Bankless and covered his reasons for leaving behind centralized AI in favor of decentralized AI.

Generative AI of the Week

🐢 This made us lol because it reminds us of the turtle from Finding Nemo.

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