Daily Insights: The ChatGPT Killer

Decentralized AI is becoming more user facing

🌵 The Intersection of Crypto & AI 🌵

Daily Insights

Market Metrics

Total Crypto Market Cap: down 1.1% to $2.77T
Total AI Sector Market Cap: up 3.6% to $26.5B

Top Movers (24hrs):

📈 VaultTech (VAULT): up 56.9% to $0.1433
📈 Eve AI (EVEAI): up 21.9% to $0.07603
📈 GNY (GNY): up 20.6% to $0.02713

Highlights of the Weekend

💀 Akash Chat - The ChatGPT Killer?
Akash Network has announced a new interface for Akash Chat, giving it a similar vibe to ChatGPT yet powered only by decentralized Akash compute. Akash Chat has some pretty compelling features:
🟠 Completely zero cost
🟠 Private chat history (stored locally)
🟠 No sign-in, no accounts—completely permissionless
🟠 Similar functionality to ChatGPT

➡️ Is this going to kill ChatGPT? We haven’t tested it thoroughly enough to comment, but if you’re a heavy ChatGPT/Claude/Bard user, we’d love to hear what you think about Akash Chat. You can access it for free here.
Related Tickers: AKT*

💨 Arbius AI Incentivizes Growth and Scalability
Arbius AI announced a 50% reduction in miner emissions to prepare for a tokenomics upgrade that will incentivize new models launching on Arbius. Arbius also plans to develop a Layer 3 network to scale the miners' transaction capabilities while also capturing transaction fees back into the DAO to be shared with the community.


➡️ The Layer 3 narrative, originally sparked by Degen Chain, shows how excited users are for specialized scalability for specific use cases. This, coupled with the announcement of the Arbius DAO, has caused AIUS to jump ~5x in the past three days.
Related Tickers: AIUS

* = we own

In Other News

🟠 The bitsCrunch Network, an AI-enhanced data analytics and forensics protocol, has officially launched its Mainnet.

🟠 Parallel announced its Open Beta Season 2 where users can earn rewards and potentially earn a legendary Shroud card here.

🟠 Virtual protocol has shifted their liquidity to Aerodrome on BASE, applicable for anyone looking to buy, sell, or provide liquidity (LP).

Must Listen

 🔊 Jeff (@theemozilla) from Nous Research joins the Delphi Podcast to discuss how Nous Research creates its open-sourced models, its Bittensor subnet that allows users to submit their models to see how they rank against ChatGPT-4, and much more!

Generative AI of the Weekend

We wish all of our subscribers a Happy Easter! 🐰💐

Jobs Board

🟠 Associate ML-Ops/DevOps Engineer @ Plai Labs ($75k - $150k)
 Apply here
🟠 Senior AI Engineer @ Seedify ($81k - $100k)
 Apply here
🟠 AI/ML & Blockchain Integrations @ CAT Labs ($185k - $220k)
 Apply here

Exclusive Report: Top 5 AI Cryptocurrencies to Watch 2024

🌵 Access the report here! 🌵

Disclaimer: This newsletter is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as legal, financial, or investment advice. The content is not to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. The reader should always conduct their own due diligence and consult with professional advisors for legal and financial advice specific to their situation.