Daily Insights: Gen AI Datasets

Advertisers poisoning LLMs

🌵 The Intersection of Crypto & AI 🌵

Daily Insights

Market Metrics

Total Crypto Market Cap: down .5% to $2.8T
Total AI Sector Market Cap: up 0.5% to $28.4B

Top Movers (24hrs):

📈 LimeWire (LMWR): up 32.7% to $1.17
📈 AstroPepeX (APX): up 31.3% to $0.0001251
📈 Spectre AI (BAD): up 30.5% to $0.7249

Highlights of the Day

🖼 Render & Stability AI To Create Dataset For AI Model Training
Render Network has announced a partnership with Stability AI to author a billion 3D image dataset for AI training purposes. The collaboration seeks to address the critical shortage of 3D data available for training AI models, aiming to revolutionize the sector by significantly expanding the resources available for development. The project will involve Render Network nodes, incentivizing token holders to stake RNDR and earn rewards. Access to the dataset will require licensing with RNDR tokens, ensuring a secure and transparent process. You can read the full proposal here.
➡️ Stability AI is the world’s leading open-source generative AI company. This partnership is huge for Render, solidifying the project as a leader in the decentralized generative AI space and representing an opportunity for value accrual to the RNDR token—driven by staking for rewards and licensing the dataset. Given the scarcity of 3D training data and the innovative approach to community involvement and funding, RNP-011 stands out as a pivotal development in the AI and crypto landscape.
Related Tickers: RNDR

🤝 Ritual & Celestia Partner To Create Modular AI Layer
Ritual is a modular execution layer that enables permissionless access to AI models and integration with other blockchain applications. Today, they announced a partnership with Celestia that allows Ritual users to leverage Celestia's high-throughput data availability layer for Ritual's Chain and Infernet. This integration enables Ritual to provide enhanced security, availability, and computational integrity for AI workflows and transactions. Ritual’s other notable partnerships are with EigenLayer for restaking and MyShell, the generative AI creator platform for users.

Source: Ritual.net

➡️ With more partnerships on the horizon, notably in permanent storage, model storage, routing, and transaction sequencing, we believe that Ritual’s modular architecture will incorporate the most innovative modular components, thus inheriting a very compelling narrative—EigenLayer, Modular network, AI and decentralized compute—for investors to be excited about. Ritual is currently tokenless, so it might be worth investigating the project further to see if there is an airdrop opportunity (if you find something, let us know & we’ll check it out).
Related Tickers: TIA & RITUAL (TBA)

In Other News

🟠 There are less than 4hrs left to participate in the Eternal AI public token sale. So far, they have raised over $6M from almost 4000 backers. You can participate here.

🟠 Eternal AI leverages Filecoin’s scalable storage layer to create the first Bitcoin Layer 2 that will allow storing AI models fully onchain.

🟠 PaLM AI announces the launch of their NFT Studio, a platform for displaying, trading, and bridging NFTs created with their bots on the Skale Network.

X Post of the Day

🤖 In just the past two days, we've seen Amazon's largest investment in AI, Hume's launch of emotionally intelligent AI, and OpenAI's Hollywood initiative, among others. The thread below unpacks the incredible shifts in AI development happening before our eyes.

Generative AI of the Day

Must Watch

0xdrej, co-founder of Grass, explains how advertisers could poison the dataset for large language models (LLMs) and why it is so important to have a verifiable dataset used for AI training.

Jobs Board

🟠 Neural Internet is hiring for a range of technical roles.
 Check the full list here
🟠 Senior Machine Learning Engineer @ Whatnot ($250k - $275k)
 Apply here
🟠 Software Engineer, Core Machine Learning @ ($140k - $165k)
 Apply here
🟠 Software Engineer, Machine Learning @ Coinbase ($140k - $165k)
 Apply here

Exclusive Report: Top 5 AI Cryptocurrencies to Watch 2024

🌵 Access the report here! 🌵

Disclaimer: This newsletter is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as legal, financial, or investment advice. The content is not to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. The reader should always conduct their own due diligence and consult with professional advisors for legal and financial advice specific to their situation.