🧠 Autonomous Economic Value Creation

The agent-centric economy is coming, here is how you play it

🌵 The Intersection of Crypto & AI 🌵

Big Brain Breakdown

See you at EthCC!

We are going to Brussels! Please reach out and say hi if you’ll be there and we will be sure to link up 👊🏻

Onchain Outpost: @OnchainOutpost
Brody: @brodyadreon // Paddy: @ponzipaddy

Market Metrics

Total Crypto Market Cap: down 2.6% to $2.364T
Total AI Sector Market Cap: down 2.8% to $27.1B

Top Movers (24hrs):

📈RSS3 (RSS3): up 8.1% to $0.2077
📈LayerAI (LAI): up 7.4% to $0.01658
📈Thought (THT): up 7% to $0.02419

Daily News

🟠 Bittensor network has been temporarily suspended following a suspected security exploit involving users' wallets, resulting in the theft of $8 million worth of TAO tokens and a subsequent 15% decline in the token's value. An investigation is ongoing, with all transactions paused to prevent further unauthorized access.

🟠 A discussion has started in the Akah GitHub proposing that the project focuses on the verifiable provisioning of hardware for the network, ensuring that hardware, such as GPUs, meets its specifications and is genuinely allocated for network functions. This would be achieved through the use of a trusted execution environment (TEE) that periodically performs identification and provisioning tasks to verify hardware integrity and prevent misuse.

🟠 Sentient, an open-source AI development platform, has raised $85 million in seed funding co-led by Founders Fund, Pantera Capital, and Framework Ventures. The platform aims to democratize AI development by enabling open-source developers to monetize their models, collaborate on AI projects, and become key stakeholders in a new Open AGI economy.

🟠 Prime Intellect has integrated the Akash Supercloud into its new compute platform, enabling AI developers to access high-performance GPUs, including NVIDIA H100, from Akash's permissionless marketplace at rates as low as $1.65 per hour.

🧠 Big Brain Breakdown

Imagine a world where your simple intentions result in a cascade of automated actions, creating value not just for you, but for an entire ecosystem of participants.

Gone are the days of one-to-one transactions and manual decision-making. We're entering an age where intelligent agents, operating on our behalf, can navigate complex marketplaces, make sophisticated decisions, and execute intricate strategies – all from a single command.

Society is accelerating towards fully autonomous economic value creation.

Let’s dive in 👇

What is Autonomous Economic Value Creation?

Autonomous economic value creation (AEVC) represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with digital economies. Traditionally, our economic actions have been largely one-to-one: you make a transaction, you receive a good or service. It's a direct, limited interaction. But imagine a world where your single action could trigger a cascade of beneficial economic activities, not just for you, but for a broader network of participants.

This is the essence of autonomous economic value creation. It's an economic system where intelligent agents, operating on behalf of users, can initiate and execute complex series of transactions based on high-level intents. Instead of you manually searching for the best flight deals, booking accommodations, and arranging transportation for a trip, you could simply express your travel intent to an AI agent. This agent would then autonomously navigate various service providers, negotiating and executing multiple transactions to fulfill your request in the most optimal way.

The key here is the multiplication of value. Your single input (the travel intent) generates a 1:n output, where n represents multiple economic interactions that create value across the network. This could include:

  1. Optimizing your travel arrangements based on real-time data and your preferences

  2. Triggering commission payments to service providers

  3. Updating supply and demand data for the services used

  4. Potentially bundling your request with others for bulk discounts

  5. Influencing other financial markets & instruments

This network effect amplifies the economic impact of your original intent, creating a more dynamic and hyper-efficient marketplace. Each action generates multiple value-creating interactions, optimizing not just individual transactions, but the entire economic ecosystem. The result is a system where markets reach equilibrium faster, resources are allocated more efficiently, and value is created and distributed more dynamically than ever before.

Building the Rails for AEVC - Talus

Talus is positioning itself as a key enabler of autonomous economic value creation by developing a comprehensive infrastructure that supports the operation of autonomous agents across the multichain ecosystem. By bridging the gap between human intent and machine execution, Talus is paving the way for this era of economic interaction – one where value creation is autonomous, efficient, and multiplicative.

Their approach centers on three crucial elements:

  1. Integrated Blockchain Architecture Combines proven technologies (Cosmos SDK, Sui Move, IBC) for optimal performance, security, and cross-chain interoperability with Talus’ proprietary technical developments (Mirror Objects & AI Stack)

  2. Agent Hub A decentralized marketplace for AI services, enabling creation, deployment, and trading of smart agents and AI resources.

  3. Developer Tools SDK and integration components for building agent-centric applications, lowering barriers to entry for AI models & agents.

With so many projects building infrastructure and raising huge amounts of capital, there is now a meme that the industry is experiencing a situation similar to that experienced in the late stages of the gold rush: everyone is “selling shovels” and no one is “mining for gold”.

While Talus is also an infrastructure play, it's important to recognize that for the concept of AEVC to become a reality, purpose-built rails must be developed to support them.

We are of the opinion that Talus is not just another shovel-seller; it's creating the essential foundation upon which the gold mines of the future – autonomous agent economies – can be built and operated efficiently.

AEVC in Practice

The infrastructure Talus is building has the potential to catalyze a new era of autonomous economic value creation across multiple sectors. By enabling smart agents to operate on behalf of users, Talus sets the stage for a cascade of value-generating activities that extend far beyond single transactions. Let's explore how this could play out in various domains:

  1. DeFi: Autonomous portfolio optimization across chains, enhancing user returns and overall market efficiency.

  2. DAOs: AI-driven community engagement and governance, improving organizational effectiveness.

  3. Creator Economy: Personalized gaming experiences and cross-platform asset management, generating new revenue streams.

  4. Scientific Research: Accelerated drug discovery through autonomous data analysis and resource allocation.

  5. IoT, SocialFi, prediction markets, travel booking and more can all become a component of Autonomous Economic Value Creation enabled by agent economies.

These examples showcase how a single user intent can trigger complex, value-generating actions across entire ecosystems, potentially reshaping industries and fostering a more dynamic, interconnected economy.

Meme of the Day

Shameless self-shill of our brain rot. Intern cooking (lowest of keys)?

Disclaimer: This newsletter is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as legal, financial, or investment advice. The content is not to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. The reader should always conduct their own due diligence and consult with professional advisors for legal and financial advice specific to their situation.